Meet Christina
National Speaker, Author, Encourager
For years, Christina found herself living out who she wanted others to think she was. As she grew into adulthood, she found that practice to be exhausting and looked for a place of rest. She found it by living out loud.. She has chosen to no longer hide or apologize for the woman God created her to be. She connects to others by using her gift of transparency and authenticity. Christina has learned that all any of us can be is the very best version of who God has created us to be. Each one of us has been called for a purpose. We can only do it the way we do it. Others’ objection to the person God has created us to be is none of our business.
No one can take our place in what He has individually called us to do.

When God Changed HIS Mind
From the time he was born, Christina had always felt her son, Isaiah, would die young. Though a typical boy with no health issues, the thought had always lingered. When a headache sent him to the hospital and surgery for a severe brain hemorrhage, Christina begged God to change His mind and save her son’s life. In her memoir, When God Changed His Mind, Christina shares of her dependence on God during the ups and downs of their journey, the power of prayer, and her determination to use challenges and struggles for His glory.