Why donate?
In 2009 the Lord clearly called me to serve women through the spoken and written word. I told Him no. I literally and out loud told Him no. If you don’t know me, stick around, and you will learn of my boldness.
It wasn’t until 2015, when I almost lost my son to severe brain hemorrhage, that I was given a story to tell. I was compelled to share the character of God through this story. It wasn’t about how good life was, it was about how good God is.
Since then, I have spoken to groups of women, churches, and various groups about the ups and downs of life and how we can still find joy within any circumstance.
In the spring of 2022, the Lord made it clear to me, to quit my full time job, and focus on bringing hope to those who struggle to find it, or sometimes forget it’s there.
I have no intention on getting rich by spreading joy and hope. However, I do need to contribute to the financial well-being of my family. I continue to be spiritually educated through conferences and workshops.